USP JACK3D Advanced 248 g

Producător: USP Labs


Preţ: 110.00 lei

USP JACK3D Advanced 248 g - 45 portii

Product highlights:
Advanced taste. Advanced feel. Advanced performance.
High energy pre-exercise augmentation system.
Exclusive “Nitrate Blast” formula.
Advanced taste
You’re no stranger to the weight room and you’ve surely tried your fair share of pre-workout products. You might not even care what the product tastes like, as long as it works.

Most of the time it’s even a disappointing trade off—great taste with nothing but poor performance and a sub-par caffeine rush followed by a depressing crash.

That might be fine for the noobs, but not for you; you’re searching for the real deal pre-workout that gives you the best of everything…Good luck!
What if there was a product that Worked Phenomenally AND Tasted Amazing too? Enter Jack3d® “Advanced Formula”.

USPlabs contracted industry-leading flavor scientists and gave them one very specific goal: make this the best tasting pre-workout ever and, wow, did they ever deliver.

Don’t forget that there aren’t any carbs in Jack3d “Advanced Formula”; making the “industry-best” taste a truly mindboggling accomplishment.


Suplimentele alimentare se recomandă exclusiv persoanelor sănătoase, cu vârste între 18-55 ani. Nu se administrează gravidelor sau femeilor care alăptează. A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor. A nu se depăşi doza zilnică recomandată. Folosirea acestui supliment alimentar nu înlocuieşte dieta normală. A se consuma, de preferinţă, până la sfârşitul perioadei menţionate pe ambalaj. A se păstra la loc uscat şi răcoros.
Suplimentele alimentare nu au proprietăți de tratare sau vindecare a vreunei boli.

Transport GRATUIT. Comandă minimă 100 lei.